Main Street Baseball TV Ads

Click on the "Play" button on each video to view.

"Vote Homer"
Billings Mustangs (2024)

"Dave In The Hat"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2024)

"Tied Up"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2023)

Quad Cities River Bandits (2022)

Quad Cities River Bandits (2021)

"Mustangs Moments"
Billings Mustangs (2018)

"Kid Inspected"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2018)

"Turning 10"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2017)

"Pass It On"
Billings Mustangs (2017)

"No Ties"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2016)

Quad Cities River Bandits (2015)

"Disco Night"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2014)

"Get Me Down"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2014)

"Zip Line"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2013)

"Vote Rascal"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2012)

"Dunk Tank"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2011)

"Miss Baseball"
Quad Cities River Bandits (2008)

Main Street Baseball TV Ads

There is no medium more important -- or impactful -- than television. Social media and "street team" efforts reach voters on a retail level; TV reaches them on a wholesale level, in large numbers. But producing and airing TV ads is not enough; the ads themselves must be crisp, colorful and creative.

At Main Street, we don't use outside ad agencies and formulaic spots; we produce all of our ads in-house and tailor them to each community. We pride ourselves on producing award-winning ads that make viewers smile and feel good about their team. We use humor, music, pop culture ... anything to cut through the clutter of a crowded television market and make a lasting impression on our target viewers.

Sometimes, as with "Disco Night," the ads are designed to promote a given night; more often, they are designed to run all summer long to remind people that our clubs offer fun, unique family-friendly entertainment at a very affordable price.

Above all, though, the ads are designed to deepen the bond between each team and its host community.
Billings Mustangs
Quad Cities River Bandits
Wilmington Blue Rocks